What's special About Rediffmail?
What is 'Send SMS'?
What is 'Rediffmail on Mobile'?
How do I check the storage space I have currently available?
I have a question About Rediffmail. How can I get an answer?
Why do I get the message "You have been logged out"?
How often do I have to login to Rediffmail to keep my account active?
What's special About Rediffmail?
Rediffmail is free, fast & easy to use email. Rediffmail offers you a unlimited storage space. It gives you the facility to send 20 attachments at a time with the total mail size upto 20 MB. The new Rediffmail has several features that makes managing your email simpler. It has powerful spam control.
Now you can get POP3 access, send SMS (250 or 500) to mobile phones in India or the US and even get the features all together with Rediffmail Plus.
What is 'Send SMS'?
You can send SMS right from Rediffmail straight to any mobile phone in India or USA. This is a paid service. You need to first buy SMS. You can buy SMS in Rediffmail in packages of 250 & 500 respectively. Please note that SMS to US is taken equal to 3 units.
Else, you can buy Rediffmail Plus which comes with a package of 100 SMS apart from other value-added features.
What is 'Rediffmail on Mobile'?
With 'Rediffmail on Mobile' you can receive, write as well as reply and forward emails from your mobile phone. Rediffmail on Mobile enables you to receive emails using SMS as well as GPRS.
Receiving emails is free. However messages sent (written, replied or forwarded) from your mobile phone will be charged as per the SMS rates of your service provider. Your service provider would bill these directly to you.
How do I check the storage space I have currently available?
Click on 'Check storage space'. This link takes you to 'My Folders', where the amount of mailbox space you have currently used is displayed. Rediffmail gives you unlimited storage.
I have a question about Rediffmail. How can I get an answer?
Information on Rediffmail including features available and instructions on how to use is available in these 'Help' sections.
Information related to password, automatic (vacation) reply and other such settings is given in 'My Settings' within this 'Help'.
In case your question is not in this list or you have a problem, go to 'Frequently Asked Questions'
Why do I get the message "You have been logged out"?
This message is shown if you are inactive for a continuous period of 30 minutes. This is for security reasons and to protect your privacy. Furthermore, even if you are continuously active, you will be logged out every 120 minutes.
How often do I have to login to Rediffmail to keep my account active?
You need to login at least once every 30 days to get full access to your account, as follows.
- If you do not log in for a continuous period of 30 days, then further incoming emails will be blocked.
- Further, you need to log in at least once in 45 days. If you do not, all emails in your Inbox as on the 46th day will be deleted.
- Also, if you do not log in even once for a continuous period of 90 days, your account will become permanently inactive (deleted). Once this happens you will not be able to log in or use your Rediffmail account at all.
- Exception to policies 1,2 and 3 above: If you have subscribed for send SMS,POP3 access, Rediffmail Plus, Rediffmail Mobile or any other paid Rediffmail service, however, your account will remain active for the entire period of the subscription i.e. even if you do not log in and policies 1,2 and 3 above will not apply.